22 with the X-Pro2 by Stephan Geyer

Let me first tell you that I have a backlog of photos to process and post that makes me fear opening Lightroom. Partially do to laziness and partially due to the fact that I seem to have fallen into a rut. Not the first time this happens.

The reason of this post is that photography has been rekindled for me in the same way as it often does - new kit! I was lucky enough to be given a Pre Production X-Pro2 from Fujifilm Middle East as a member of their X-Photographer programme.

I will say that this is not a review, because it isn't. What this is is 22 photos with my first proper outing with the X-Pro 2. All of these shot were taken in JPEG and have had very minor adjustments in Lightroom.

Surprisingly (to me, mostly) all these photos were taken in colour using the Classic Chrome profile. Having had my X-Pro1 and X100S set to BW/JPEG for almost 2 years, I expected to revel in the new Acros simulation, and whilst I absolutely loved the Acros+R, my first proper go at the CC left me in awe. Maybe the next post? Hopefully sooner than a year and a half from now?

Hope you like the images and don't hesitate to drop me a line or comment below!

Expedition to Mera Peak by Stephan Geyer

This past March, I set off on my latest expedition to the Himalayas. This time, the aim was to climb Mera Peak, some kilometres to the west of Mt. Everest and try to reach to reach the summit at 6480m - it was not going to be easy.

This first part will feature images of the build-up towards the actual climb, these photos come from a variety of locations in Kathmandu and somewhere on the trail. All of these photos were taken with my Fujifilm X100S, in RAW and edited in Lightroom 5.

Expedition to Island Peak (Part II) by Stephan Geyer

It's been a while since I posted anything! Partly due to the fact that my website was growing older and less dynamic, something that I've fixed (I think!).

Whilst I just came back a month ago from my last expedition (Mera Peak, 6480m), I had pending uploading the rest of the images from my Island Peak expedition, to be honest, my favourite ones from the two parts.

Hope you enjoy the images!