Discovering San Francisco in Black and White by Stephan

I've been to San Francisco before, and whilst I have enjoyed the view from the Golden Gate Viewpoint on a foggy afternoon, and taken the mandatory touristic photos, I really don't enjoy that type of shots. Today, I've decided to post a selection from my latest trip to San Fran, where I explore the type of photos I enjoy taking - All with the X-Pro1, naturally!

San Francisco  2012-06-30 - DSCF1547.jpg
San Francisco  2012-07-01 - DSCF1564.jpg
San Francisco  2012-07-01 - DSCF1567.jpg
San Francisco  2012-07-01 - DSCF1579.jpg
San Francisco  2012-07-01 - DSCF1591.jpg
San Francisco  2012-07-01 - DSCF1604.jpg
San Francisco  2012-07-01 - DSCF1638.jpg
San Francisco  2012-07-01 - DSCF1640.jpg
San Francisco  2012-07-01 - DSCF1644.jpg
San Francisco  2012-07-01 - DSCF1646.jpg
San Francisco  2012-07-01 - DSCF1652.jpg
San Francisco  2012-07-01 - DSCF1663.jpg
San Francisco  2012-07-01 - DSCF1667.jpg
San Francisco  2012-07-01 - DSCF1668.jpg
San Francisco  2012-06-30 - DSCF1516.jpg

Muscat, Oman. An unexpected Canon 5D Tribute. by Stephan

I was doing one of my usual backlog dives in Lightroom and remember I had not really had a look at my photos from a recent trip to Oman I did last month. Whilst I was selecting photos for the blog-post I realised that my beloved 5D 'Classic' had just rolled over the click-count, making it past the 30,000 mark.

…and many more to come!

Muscat 2012-04-21 - _MG_10049.jpg
Muscat 2012-04-21 - _MG_9882.jpg
Muscat 2012-04-21 - _MG_9891.jpg
Muscat 2012-04-21 - _MG_9895.jpg
Muscat 2012-04-21 - _MG_9915.jpg
Muscat 2012-04-21 - _MG_9925.jpg
Muscat 2012-04-21 - _MG_9928.jpg
Muscat 2012-04-21 - _MG_9930.jpg
Muscat 2012-04-21 - _MG_9932.jpg
Muscat 2012-04-21 - _MG_9937.jpg
Muscat 2012-04-21 - _MG_9947.jpg
Muscat 2012-04-21 - _MG_9948.jpg
Muscat 2012-04-21 - _MG_9991.jpg
Muscat 2012-04-21 - _MG_10037.jpg