Apologies for the softness of some of these photos; they were taken from a moving car at 100km/h on my way to Victoria Island from Lagos International Airport. As you can see, although soft, the X-Pro1 autofocus works, as long as you know how to work it ;)
"Fujinor XF35mm 1.4"
Downtown Nairobi /
More hands-on tests of my new X-Pro1… the majority of these shots were taken from a moving car, so the slow Auto-Focus ability, is pretty moot in my personal experience. Learn to plan your shot better.
Again, all JPEG, with basic (and small) adjustments in Lightroom 4.
30 Street Shots with the X-Pro1 /
Just bought the fantastic Fuji X-Pro1 and XF 35mm F1.4 R combo and decided to give it a proper run for it’s money on the narrow streets of Old Dubai, UAE.